Monday, March 24, 2014

Tide to the rescue!

I know I am not the only one that has sweaty clothes. They can get pretty aromatic if you work out in the morning before work and then leave them in your car all day... This is now, when it is often barely above freezing. So, what happens when the sweltering summer heat comes. Scary, I know. Hopefully I'll be running outside at home more and my need for they gym will deteriorate during the summer months.

Until then though I have come up with two ways to help combat the aroma of eau da runner.

1. Run at lunch or after work instead of in the morning and put the lovely's in the trunk.

2. Use good laundry detergent.

Ok, so this post is really a shout out to Tide Sport laundry detergent. Let me explain for you non-runners. Most people wash with their favorite detergent and then use the fabric softener that smells the best. With tech running gear, the stuff that wicks sweat away from the body to keep it cool and dry, you can't use fabric softener. Fabric software will get absorbed by the tech gear and then the tech gear will stop wicking away sweat. The sweat it does manage to wick away will have a harder time drying. This leaves you sweaty and wet. Your clothes will get heavy and irritate your skin. It will be like wearing cotton.

I know what some of you are thinking. Isn't Febreze  just watered down fabric softner? Maybe. I do know that this tide/febreze combo is specially formulated for sports apparel so they keep their wicking properties. Go Tide!

The best part is that when you open the closet or drawer of running clothes, you get that nice fresh scent smell. It is a very nice change of pace.

On that note, yes, I run a load after every run. I know it is a small load, but it really does not take a whole lot of detergent to get the job done. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

Keep running,

Saturday, March 15, 2014


Yup. I am pumped. Last night was a very inspiration speaker at the RETA Banquet, and he pumped me up spiritually but that's not what I am talking about right now.

Last week I decided to stick to a "training" plan that I found online for the 5th 3rd River Bank Run (I still think of it as the Old Kent River Bank Run).

That training plan was the following:
         Tuesday:       4.5 Miles
         Wednesday:  3.0 Miles
          Thursday:    4.5 Miles
          Saturday:     8.0 Miles

Four workouts... that's fine - NOT a problem. Or so I thought.

In the past all my training plans have been every other day. That day of rest gives you much needed recovery. However, it does little to build or improve. It mostly maintains. On the other hand, I noticed having 3 days of running in a row really works you out. I had a real hard time on Wednesday running the 3 miles compared to the other two runs. I do think running with tired legs did give me the brain power to keep going.

The one other thing I have been trying to do is to make my last mile at least as fast as my first because for some reason my first mile is usually about 30 seconds to a minute faster than the rest. Well the training paid off today. Hopefully I can use this training to my advantage here in the near future. Check out todays workout:

Notice my time on mile 1, mile 2, and mile 8 (Start, worst, best). It was a grand an glorious finish. I was really hoping I was around a 10:20 /min mile and I blew that away. This is one thing I appreciate about running on a treadmill. There is a block in my head that tells me a fat man can't run that fast. But on a treadmill I can keep increasing the speed just to see how fast I can run. This week on Thursdays I managed to get the treadmill up to 8 mph for the last 1/10th of a mile.

I feel so pumped! I have never followed a training plan and after I started I figured out I was one week off on the plan so I will be repeating my same workouts this coming week.

So, if you have used a training plan, let me know how it went for you. If not, keep in tune. In about 8 weeks I run my first 25k and we will see how it goes.

Go Running,

Sunday, March 9, 2014

There's nothing like...

....having a great run to make you want to blog about it and tell the world. 

It has been an insufferable winter. With the extreme cold temps and record precipitation it has made for a tough first winter of running.

I have been outside twice this year for a run and I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Better weather is just starting to come.

So, I ran yesterday. Yes, it was in the morning hours during the wind and snow. Not in the afternoon when it reached 38 and was partly sunny out. However, I had one of the best runs in my life. The best part was that I finished strong. I ran the first mile at right around a 10 min mile, the miles in between at 10:50 ish, then finished with a 10:10 mile on mile 7. So yeah, 7.1 miles and 1 hour and 15 minutes later.

So. I am curious, anyone ever use a training plan? I am running a 25k in May and found a training plan for it. Just curious if training plans work well. 

I usually run M-W-F... But from here on out it'll be T-W-R-Sa. I plan to follow the plan as closely as possible. I'll let you know how it works out.

At least my workouts have been more consistent this year:

I am also curious if anyone else has problems with doing speed work on treadmills. Everytime I push my pace on a treadmill I inadvertently get sore knees. 

So my fastest to date is 7.6 MPH for 1/4 mile. What's your fastest speed for a quarter mile? 

Maybe I'll try more speed work when I start running on the road more. I have a feeling it is the treadmill that is doing my knees in.

Keep Running!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Be my....

Running Buddy!

Ok, so yesterday was Valentine's day. Most people say, "Be my Valentine." However, in the back of every runners mind is really, "Be my running buddy." And we mean that in every sense of the words. We really do want you to run with us. I mean, who really doesn't dream of growing old with their sweetheart and being active. Does any dream of growing old, sitting on the couch, and starring out
the window? We all have aspirations of someday retiring from our labors and being able to enjoy life a little. Do some volunteer work, take that once in a lifetime vacation, and doing it all with your sweetheart.

 So when we say, "We run not to add days to our life but, life to our day." We really mean it. We want to grow old and grow closer with our sweethearts. Part of growing closer usually involves doing an activity together.

While all runners hope their sweethearts will take up running, what do you do if you really do not care to run? Let's face it. Sometimes opposites attract and the list of things you might like to do together may be able to all be counted on one hand. So, how can you be a running buddy if running does not appeal to you?

Well, I have to look no further than my own sweetheart. My wife, DeAnn, and I have 4 kids. One of those kids is a 5 month old and we have a 9 year old in a wheelchair. Talk about having two full time jobs besides taking care of me. Even if she wanted to run with me I am not sure she could find the time. She is absolutely amazing and I don't say that lightly. So what does she do exactly? She allows me the pleasure of running. Running takes a lot of dedication to a training plan if you are going to run a race. It takes even more dedication if you are trying to train in colder and snowy months.

So, if you are the spouse or significant other of someone and really do not want to participate in the sport you can be a running buddy by being supportive. Allow them the training runs. Allow them to plan vacations around a running event. Allow them to enjoy the one thing that relieves stress. The one thing they do that will add life to their days.

That being said, don't take that sweetheart for granted. I've been there. I desired so much for my wife to do some physical activity with me that I couldn't see she was supporting me better than I could ask for. So, rule number one for you runners out there. If your sweetheart does not run with you, don't take them for granted. Make sure they know you appreciate them just the way they are and all that they do for you or without you while you are out running.  So yes, miss that training run to make sure they get the valentines present they really want... and take the 5 month old at 5:30 in the morning on Saturday when he decides it's time to get up. Do it all with a smile. Remember love is about what you can sacrifice to make your sweethearts life better. 

And sweetheart, if you are reading this, I want you to know you are the best just they way you are but you are always welcome to join me running. We could find a way if you really wanted to and thank you for being my running buddy.

Go running,

Sunday, February 2, 2014

January in Review

So, how did you all do in January?

I thought I was doing well until I hit another runners Facebook site that asked the same question. 

I managed to squeak out 48.24 miles. The best I have ever done in a January. I was supposed to be just over 50 according to my plan but I missed a run because the gym was closed for two days. Yes, I did all the miles on a treadmill. Blech.

It doesn't look like I will get outside anytime soon either. Seems a famous groundhog found his shadow today and is predicting another 6 weeks of winter.

Anywho, on this runners Facebook site I was in shock as these runners all posted that they ran anywhere from 130 to almost 300 miles. Really, 300 miles! That's a new pair of shoes every six weeks.

Still I think I did really well for me. I usually hibernate in January. So this is good. I have gained a few pounds since November but I seem to be holding steady where I am at. So steady is good. 

Yes, I am trying some things on the weight front. I usually don't eat breakfast. But I am trying to have a little something. I read in Runner's World that if you eat a little something to bring up your blood sugar before a run, then your body won't be as reluctant to switch to burning stored fat when the time comes as opposed to eating nothing.

Interestingly, too hard of a workout can also send your body into a survival mode and it will do all it can to keep stored fat. So, I have really been watching my heart-rate and my perfect workout speed on the treadmill is between 5 and 5.2 MPH. Just a thought for us over-achievers. There is no good short-cut to getting faster. It requires a good training plan that  is consistently updated with your current progress.

Next race is 14 weeks out. That seems closer than I thought it was. Time to buckle down and start planning some longer weekend runs to work up my mileage.

Keep running!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The weight of blogging.

I HATE BLOGGING. There. I said it. Ugh.

I know, it's just a personal journal of your inner most thoughts and ideas on particular subjects. Most of which are never your own thoughts but things you have learned along your path of life from other influences. Only instead of being private for someone to find someday after you pass on to your eternal destination, you put it out there where anyone can read. This means there are consequences because all of a sudden everyone knows your business. It is unrelenting accountability.

Remember the feeling of being suppressed you had as a teen when your Mother wanted to know the 411 on your life. Well, take that times about a bazillion. The great thing about it is that it is just a feeling. In all reality people just care and are interested in our well being. For an introvert like me though it can be overwhelming. Just give me a dark corner to exist in and don't bug me.

What happens if I mess up? Will I be letting everyone down? What if I don't reach my goals? What will people say then? Ugh. I am afraid it will have all the awkwardness of going to a funeral and having people say things that hurt instead of comfort. Would I rather them say nothing at all? No. Not really. People need to know you care. I need to know people care.

The question I ask myself now though is, how often do I show people I care. I often make remarks that could be taken as inappropriate. Like telling someone since they missed one day of running now they need to run twice a day for the next week to make up for it. While I mean it in all fun... how does it appear to the person it's aimed at? I hope they know I am not serious and that I really mean I just want them to get back up on their feet and keep trying.

Isn't that what we all want? When we have our biggest failures in life to know that people are there and will help us get back up again. That life is worth living. That better times will come. The struggles we have now will result in our future successes.

So, what started this whole mess. Let's just say I had anger management issues a few years back. I was always getting on my kids case. Stressing my sweetheart I am sure. I recognized it after a bit and found a wonderful book titled When Good Men Get Angry. (Running is a stress reliever.) What is astonishing is that the book helped me not only deal with my anger issues but it also opened up the door to me coming face to face with my pride issues.

So what does this all have to do with running? Well, after much reading, I have come to the conclusion that in order for me to excel further in running I have to do something about my weight. It is something I have conquered in the past but seems I keep struggling with it.

So there it is. I really don't want to share the whole idea about my weight. I am too proud to admit I have failed with weight management and I really hate the thought of people asking me about it. One would think if you have run multiple half-marathons that you should be slimming up. Unfortunately for me,  my fondness for food seems to outweigh the benefits of running. I get tired of reading story after story of how someone was over 300 pounds and now is a healthy hundred and something all because they started running.

Like running is the end all to all of your weight issues. It is not. If you are running to lose weight I can personally tell you that it alone will not do it for you. If you like to eat it is too easy to out eat your running. One latte at Starbucks is all it takes to undo your run. It is filled with empty calories from fat and sugar and it will not curb hunger or reduce the amount of food you eat later. So if we are really in this (running) to be healthier we also need to eat healthier. I am just so sick of weight watchers and the like. Don't get me wrong, they work great they just get real boring after a couple of years. The biggest thing I have to deal with is portion control. Really, One slice of pizza is a serving.

I will say running is something that is relatively inexpensive to start and can accommodate all skill levels. Even if you live in the city and your first time out you run the 50' between driveways. It is a start. Maybe that is how I need to approach my eating. Make small changes over time.

I don't know where I am going with all of this except to say that I want to eat healthier so I can take off another 40 pounds so I can run faster. So I can run that marathon (26.2 miles) someday in 5 hours (11:27 mile) or less.

Thanks for letting me vent/rant and feel free to ask me how it's going.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Knee'd to Know

I have been running on and off for over a decade. It all started out as a little 5k called the Sunburst. Soon, they let me organize the corporate team on occasion and I have always had people tell me they couldn't run because of their knees.

Let me just say, I really did not understand and thought saying you have bad knees or knee pain sounds like a good excuse. But, that is exactly what I thought it was, just an excuse.

However, a few week back running outside in the snow and ice I had a misplaced landing with my left foot. It was odd, but I didn't think nothing of it. Over the course of the following week though I had a dull annoying pain show up. First it surrounded my knee. I could press around the knee cap on the inside of my knee and make the pain worse. Now that is all but gone, but I still have dull pain behind my knee cap which only appeared after the pain around the side of the knee cap appeared. So my knee pain may be multiple problems combining all at the same time. Who knows, I am not an expert. I really should probably get a doctors opinion but I haven't seen my regular doctor in almost two years and I call that a victory.

I love paying upwards of $150 for a 30 second diagnosis. That is even my fault, because I usually show up at the office at 7:30 and ask if he can sneak me in while they are doing the labs and drawing blood. So, in part, I am asking for those short visits. When it is an ear infection - in and out is good. Knee pain I think will need a little more time and it will probably take me a week or two to get in. So I will probably schedule a visit this week and he will probably recommend someone in sports medicine or a joint specialist. So... it could be a month before I know. Hopefully my knee pain will be gone by then.

I am usually just a fair weather runner. From Spring thru fall. Take off winter. This probably has assisted me in not having knee pain. What I don't get is when I first started running I was running in tennis shoes which compared to running shoes have no cushion. I was also only running 5k's back then. So we are now up to half marathons and on the start of training for a 25k (15.5 miles). The thought of taking 16 weeks off at this point would give me only a few weeks to train. Not an option.

Another variable is shoes. I have been running in the same ones forever. Well, ok like 440 miles plus another 60 or so walking. Being as large as I am I should have already replaced my shoes (400-450 miles). I have two pair ordered now. Hopefully at least one pair come soon.

In the meantime I picked up a video from Barnes and Noble over the holidays. Strong Knees with Physical Therapist Chantal Donnelly.

So far I have done the full length workout twice. Being a larger set guy I can say the people in this video are far more flexible than I am. However, Chantal does an excellent job of telling you which muscle you are stretching and where you should feel the "burn". For someone like me that can only mimic their form, at least I know I am stretching the right muscle. I have modified some of them because I didn't want to wrench my back out of place.

Also, I refuse to buy special mats, towels, and stretchy bands. I use the floor, a beach towel rolled up and folded in half, and a belt.

So, what is my review on the DVD? While it does not sound like a workout. Wow. It really stretches muscles in my legs I didn't even know I had. The result? Knee pain subsides behind the knee for a short period (5-10 minutes) and then gradually comes back. This is without taking any pain meds, cause if I start taking ibuprofen I have no pain. So my last dose was Friday morning and I wanted to know if the exercises would provide any immediate relief. Well, it has so I think long term my knees will be fine. Yes, I'll probably still make an appointment with the doctor just to be sure, but it will be interesting to see what happens when I add new shoes to the mix.

If you are a walker or runner, try out this video. It really works all the muscles from the hips down. If you need a laugh, just image me trying to do these stretches while you watch the video. Let me know what you think in the comments.

Till next week,