Sunday, March 9, 2014

There's nothing like...

....having a great run to make you want to blog about it and tell the world. 

It has been an insufferable winter. With the extreme cold temps and record precipitation it has made for a tough first winter of running.

I have been outside twice this year for a run and I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Better weather is just starting to come.

So, I ran yesterday. Yes, it was in the morning hours during the wind and snow. Not in the afternoon when it reached 38 and was partly sunny out. However, I had one of the best runs in my life. The best part was that I finished strong. I ran the first mile at right around a 10 min mile, the miles in between at 10:50 ish, then finished with a 10:10 mile on mile 7. So yeah, 7.1 miles and 1 hour and 15 minutes later.

So. I am curious, anyone ever use a training plan? I am running a 25k in May and found a training plan for it. Just curious if training plans work well. 

I usually run M-W-F... But from here on out it'll be T-W-R-Sa. I plan to follow the plan as closely as possible. I'll let you know how it works out.

At least my workouts have been more consistent this year:

I am also curious if anyone else has problems with doing speed work on treadmills. Everytime I push my pace on a treadmill I inadvertently get sore knees. 

So my fastest to date is 7.6 MPH for 1/4 mile. What's your fastest speed for a quarter mile? 

Maybe I'll try more speed work when I start running on the road more. I have a feeling it is the treadmill that is doing my knees in.

Keep Running!

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