Monday, March 24, 2014

Tide to the rescue!

I know I am not the only one that has sweaty clothes. They can get pretty aromatic if you work out in the morning before work and then leave them in your car all day... This is now, when it is often barely above freezing. So, what happens when the sweltering summer heat comes. Scary, I know. Hopefully I'll be running outside at home more and my need for they gym will deteriorate during the summer months.

Until then though I have come up with two ways to help combat the aroma of eau da runner.

1. Run at lunch or after work instead of in the morning and put the lovely's in the trunk.

2. Use good laundry detergent.

Ok, so this post is really a shout out to Tide Sport laundry detergent. Let me explain for you non-runners. Most people wash with their favorite detergent and then use the fabric softener that smells the best. With tech running gear, the stuff that wicks sweat away from the body to keep it cool and dry, you can't use fabric softener. Fabric software will get absorbed by the tech gear and then the tech gear will stop wicking away sweat. The sweat it does manage to wick away will have a harder time drying. This leaves you sweaty and wet. Your clothes will get heavy and irritate your skin. It will be like wearing cotton.

I know what some of you are thinking. Isn't Febreze  just watered down fabric softner? Maybe. I do know that this tide/febreze combo is specially formulated for sports apparel so they keep their wicking properties. Go Tide!

The best part is that when you open the closet or drawer of running clothes, you get that nice fresh scent smell. It is a very nice change of pace.

On that note, yes, I run a load after every run. I know it is a small load, but it really does not take a whole lot of detergent to get the job done. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

Keep running,

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