Saturday, February 15, 2014

Be my....

Running Buddy!

Ok, so yesterday was Valentine's day. Most people say, "Be my Valentine." However, in the back of every runners mind is really, "Be my running buddy." And we mean that in every sense of the words. We really do want you to run with us. I mean, who really doesn't dream of growing old with their sweetheart and being active. Does any dream of growing old, sitting on the couch, and starring out
the window? We all have aspirations of someday retiring from our labors and being able to enjoy life a little. Do some volunteer work, take that once in a lifetime vacation, and doing it all with your sweetheart.

 So when we say, "We run not to add days to our life but, life to our day." We really mean it. We want to grow old and grow closer with our sweethearts. Part of growing closer usually involves doing an activity together.

While all runners hope their sweethearts will take up running, what do you do if you really do not care to run? Let's face it. Sometimes opposites attract and the list of things you might like to do together may be able to all be counted on one hand. So, how can you be a running buddy if running does not appeal to you?

Well, I have to look no further than my own sweetheart. My wife, DeAnn, and I have 4 kids. One of those kids is a 5 month old and we have a 9 year old in a wheelchair. Talk about having two full time jobs besides taking care of me. Even if she wanted to run with me I am not sure she could find the time. She is absolutely amazing and I don't say that lightly. So what does she do exactly? She allows me the pleasure of running. Running takes a lot of dedication to a training plan if you are going to run a race. It takes even more dedication if you are trying to train in colder and snowy months.

So, if you are the spouse or significant other of someone and really do not want to participate in the sport you can be a running buddy by being supportive. Allow them the training runs. Allow them to plan vacations around a running event. Allow them to enjoy the one thing that relieves stress. The one thing they do that will add life to their days.

That being said, don't take that sweetheart for granted. I've been there. I desired so much for my wife to do some physical activity with me that I couldn't see she was supporting me better than I could ask for. So, rule number one for you runners out there. If your sweetheart does not run with you, don't take them for granted. Make sure they know you appreciate them just the way they are and all that they do for you or without you while you are out running.  So yes, miss that training run to make sure they get the valentines present they really want... and take the 5 month old at 5:30 in the morning on Saturday when he decides it's time to get up. Do it all with a smile. Remember love is about what you can sacrifice to make your sweethearts life better. 

And sweetheart, if you are reading this, I want you to know you are the best just they way you are but you are always welcome to join me running. We could find a way if you really wanted to and thank you for being my running buddy.

Go running,

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