Sunday, February 2, 2014

January in Review

So, how did you all do in January?

I thought I was doing well until I hit another runners Facebook site that asked the same question. 

I managed to squeak out 48.24 miles. The best I have ever done in a January. I was supposed to be just over 50 according to my plan but I missed a run because the gym was closed for two days. Yes, I did all the miles on a treadmill. Blech.

It doesn't look like I will get outside anytime soon either. Seems a famous groundhog found his shadow today and is predicting another 6 weeks of winter.

Anywho, on this runners Facebook site I was in shock as these runners all posted that they ran anywhere from 130 to almost 300 miles. Really, 300 miles! That's a new pair of shoes every six weeks.

Still I think I did really well for me. I usually hibernate in January. So this is good. I have gained a few pounds since November but I seem to be holding steady where I am at. So steady is good. 

Yes, I am trying some things on the weight front. I usually don't eat breakfast. But I am trying to have a little something. I read in Runner's World that if you eat a little something to bring up your blood sugar before a run, then your body won't be as reluctant to switch to burning stored fat when the time comes as opposed to eating nothing.

Interestingly, too hard of a workout can also send your body into a survival mode and it will do all it can to keep stored fat. So, I have really been watching my heart-rate and my perfect workout speed on the treadmill is between 5 and 5.2 MPH. Just a thought for us over-achievers. There is no good short-cut to getting faster. It requires a good training plan that  is consistently updated with your current progress.

Next race is 14 weeks out. That seems closer than I thought it was. Time to buckle down and start planning some longer weekend runs to work up my mileage.

Keep running!

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