Thursday, November 28, 2013

Turkey Run

Happy Thanksgiving!

Weather has been colder than normal here in Nothern Indiana this year.

So, this morning when heading out for my run I dressed in layers. 4 layers on top, 2 layers on bottom. 

The top consisted of the following layers:
Base layer being tight tech gear to wick away moisture from the skin.
Next layer was a thicker climawarm long sleeved shirt. 
Next layer was a fleece jacket with a hoodie.
Last layer was a wind breaker.

The wind breaker is a must. Even a gentle breeze in the winter can cut right to your core.

While I was comfortable I did notice that it would have been nice to have a string in the hoodie to tight it to the head so the wind can't just blow it off. My face, especially the nose and cheeks were cold. So something covering the face would be nice.

Another thought is that running in the winter just feels more difficult. Maybe it is carrying all the extra layers. I only ran 4 miles today but my body was telling me it ran more like a 10K. 

While running wasn't so bad in the cold, it was the extra time it took to gear up and then ungrearing that seemed bothersome. 

Today's Run:

Monday, November 25, 2013

Time to move...

Hello & Welcome!

First off, if you are a Todd Parr fan, I am sorry because this blog is not about the book series he writes.

Well. After the whole half marathon thing in Indianapolis a few weeks back I just want to say I am hooked on running.

I had debated to stop blogging. It is not like anyone reads it anyway. However, it is fun for me just to review old post and recognize and small bit of progress I have made. So yeah, expect this to be the most boring blog ever.

So why the new address? Well the name didn't really reflect what I was running about. So, I decided to branch out on my own. That way people that don't care about my running don't have to be bothered about it.

So what is up next? Well, currently I am training for a 25K in May. Over the next few years I am planning using my training as training for my ultimate goal of running a marathon.

I'll try to keep it short and sweet and post a picture or two now and then.

If you are motivate or demotivated... let me know. I always appreciate feedback.